Symptoms: Opatch command is failing while trying to apply July 2018 patches!Below listed patches will fail if you do...
Patch Fails on App2 Node While Applying AD/TXK Delta 10 Patches
Issue: While applying AD/TXK Delta 10 patches, patch fails on app2 or db1(secondary) node while running Autoconfig...
Error While Adding The Remote Host ( Solaris 11 ) In Control-M Configuration Manager
Description: We are running into an issue with Control-M connecting to Solaris 11 servers/ Error while adding the...
Export Policies From 11g SOA & Import To 12c SOA
Export Polices from 11g: Policies in 11g will be exported as XML files! Steps to export policies and save them in your...
How To Check If a Patch Is Applied in Oracle E Business Suite 11i, R12.1.X And R12.2.X
In Oracle EBS R12.2.x : In Oracle E Business Suite R12.2.x you cannot query the AD_BUGS table to check if patches...
Concurrent Manager Recovery in Oracle E-Business Suite R12
Solution:- Earlier we were using cmclean.sql to recover concurrent managers whenever there in any issue with Managers...
Issues After QlikView Version Upgrade on Passive Node of Production Servers
Problem summary\hypothesis: Issues after version upgrade on the passive node of production servers. The developers of...
ERP SOA Service is Unable to Access the End Point(s)
Issue ERP SOA Service attempts to reply and gets the error and unable to access the endpoint(s): Issue Summary...
Unable to Start WebLogic Admin Server After Clearing Some Old Log Files
Problem While restarting the Admin Server of SOA in DEV Environment getting below error because Disk was 100% full....
Exception In Thread “Main” Java.Lang.Outofmemoryerror: Java Heap Space
Problem Encountered the following error when we are running on DB node as part Cloning ERROR Loading...