Snapshots are point-in-time backups of a cluster. There are two types of Snapshots: AUTOMATED and MANUAL. Redshift...
Massive Parallel Processing (MPP)
Introduction: Massive Parallel Processing (MPP) is a type of processing where the data and processing power are split...
AWS: S3 at a Glance
Simple Storage Service – S3 – Object-Based Storage – Unlimited Storage – Not Suitable to install OS and/or Database...
QMC rights to User in QlikView Application
How to grant QMC rights to a user in QlikView Remote Desktop to the server. Open the Start Menu and navigate to...
Export reports from one environment to another environment in Cognos
Log on to the Cognos connection. Launch IBC Cognos Administration Go to the configuration tab > Click on Content...
Apache shutdown unexpectedly
Subject: Apache shutdown unexpectedly in XAMPP ERROR: [Apache] Status change detected: running[Apache] Status change...
Oracle Segment Shrink Space feature for Reclaiming unused space
Introduction: Oracle Segment Shrink Space feature was introduced from Oracle database version 10g. It is used for...
Informatica jobs failure with connection timeout error
Subject: Informatica jobs fail with connection timeout error when Netezza database used as Source. Issue Details:...
How to find out schema name in Cognos Report Studio Report
Please find the below steps to find out the Schema name of the Query Subject or Report Item: Open report with report...
Slowly Changing Dimensions (SCD) in Datawarehouse
Dimensions that change slowly over time, rather than changing on a regular schedule, time-based. In Data Warehouse...