In Cognos framework manager, we can implement securities is a way of restricting access to the metadata or data from the users while accessing the reports.
There are three different types of securities we can implement in the Cognos Framework Manager. The securities are named as follows:
- Package Security
- Object Security
- Data Security
Package Security:
Package security refers to access or restrict the access to the usage of the package to the user or to the User group. If the user has no permissions to access the package, still the user can see the report out puts if he has access to the reports.
Steps to implement package security:
- Open Framework Manager.
- Select the model.
- Right click on the package, click on publish package.
- Click on next, then the below window will appear.

- Click on add button where it will ask to add user group or user and will get the on the right side, we will have check boxes to allow or deny the package.
- Then click on next to continue and publish the package.
The same security can be implemented after publishing the package also, go to the package path, click on set properties and click on permissions tab add the user group/user or remove the user group/user to access or restrict the usage of the package.
Object Security:
Object security refers to access or restrict the access to the usage of the object (like query Subject/Query Item) to the user or to the User group. This security is used to access or deny the object in the report.
Steps to implement Object security:
- Open the Framework Manager.
- Select the model.
- Click on the object (Query subject/ Query item) in the name space.
- Go to Actions menu click on the Specify Object Security.

- After clicking the Specify Object Security we will get the below screen. Click on the add button and add user/user group and select either Allow or Deny check box to access or revoke the access respectively.

- Click Ok and publish the package to the content store.
Data Security:
Data security refers to restrict the data return by the query subjects in a project /package by using the security filters to the user or to the User group.
Steps to implement Data security:
- Open the Framework Manager.
- Select the model.
- Click on the Query item in the name space where we need to restrict the data.
- Go to Action menu click on the Specify Data Security as shown in below screenshot.

The below window will appear, and we need to click on Add Groups and add a user group from the Cognos User groups that we need to restrict the data and add the filter condition by inserting the create/Edit Embedded Filter or Insert filter from the model and Provide the data condition to restrict on the Based on field.

Click on Ok publish the package to the content store