Process To Restart TIBCO Applications

Feb 2, 2021

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We can restart multiple TIBCO BW5 applications as per our requirement or we can restart all TIBCO BW5 applications at a onetime to save time using AppMange utility for TIBCO BusinessWorks 5.

To Stop all/multiple applications we can use batchStop command and to Start all/multiple applications we can use batchStart command.

Login to respective server (tst01 – in this case) and sudo to “tst”

Create AppMange Script:

Use below AppMange script for restarting multiple applications at the same time. Add all/ multiple applications list into the AppManage.batch file

Cd /opt/mis/apps/tibco/temp

[tibcotst01 ~/temp]$ ls -lrt

total 4

-rwxrwxrwx. 1 tst tst AppManage.batch

[tibcotst01 ~/temp]$ cat AppManage.batch


<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>


<app name=”TST/Integration/HUB/OPSBW”/>

<app name=”TST/Integration/ProvisioningHub/PH_MES”/>



Note: Full path of application where it is deployed

Goto the TRA home

[tibcotst01 bin]$ pwd

Cd /opt/mis/apps/tibco/tra/5.10/bin

 STOP Applications

[tibcotst01 bin]$ ./AppManage -batchStop -domain tst -user XXX -pw “XXX” -dir /opt/mis/apps/tibco/temp

Initializing …

Finished initialization

Stopping services …

INFO – Received Init Msg: AgentInitialMsg [Agent=tst02]

Finished stopping services

[ OMNI-TST/Integration/HUB/OPSBW]: Finished successfully in 11 seconds

Stopping services …

INFO – Received Init Msg: AgentInitialMsg [Agent=tst01.test]

Finished stopping services

[TST/Integration/ProvisioningHub/PH_MES ]: Finished successfully in 5 seconds

[tibcotst01 bin]$

START Applications

[tibcotst@bsstibomnitst01 bin]$ ./AppManage -batchStart -domain tst -user XXX -pw “XXX” -dir /opt/mis/apps/tibco/temp

Initializing …

Finished initialization

Starting services …

INFO – Received Init Msg: AgentInitialMsg [Agent=tst02]

Finished starting services

[ TST/Integration/HUB/OPSBW]: Finished successfully in 15 seconds

Starting services …

INFO – Received Init Msg: AgentInitialMsg [Agent=tst01]

Finished starting services

[TST/Integration/ProvisioningHub/PH_MES_Sub]: Finished successfully in 5 seconds

[tibcotst01 bin]$